"God has Spoken"

Hello, my name is Kevin McGill, founder and President of Omega Christian Outreach Ministries. We believe that God has spoken to our world, expressing His love for us, explaining His will for our lives, revealing the truth about life and warning of the judgment to come. God desires to save every person from the dreadful consequences of sin and to give each one a new start in life. He wants to provide for our needs and to bless us in many ways. With this in mind we want to assist others in learning more about God and what He has spoken and are providing a number of ways for others to do that with no cost or obligation at all.

Please take some time to review the opportunities listed below to learn more. You may contact us with any questions or comments you have by sending an email to comments@godisforus.com or by giving us a phone call at 732-477-7624.

May God bless you as you continue to seek Him!
View or listen to "The Invitation" by Rick Warren

Rick Warren, author of the recent best seller "The Purpose Driven Life", has prepared an audio and video presentation explaining what God has said about becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. To access Rick Warren's audio and video invitation on the web click here or go to www.theinvitation.tv

Free Literature

Receive some very helpful free literature including a copy of the best selling book "Basic Christianity" by author John Stott. This book has been translated into 60 different languages with well over two million copies having now been sold! Send an email to Literature@godisforus.com or give us a call (732-477-7624) to obtain the literature.

Our Website: "GodisforUs.com"

You can begin to learn more right now by going to our website GodisforUs.com. There you will find an informative presentation of why we believe that God has spoken to our world in the Bible and what specifically He has said to us in the Bible.

Free "God has Spoken" Audio CD

Receive a free 80 minute audio CD which gives an in depth explanation of the reasons why Christians believe that God has spoken to our world in the Bible, along with a detailed presentation of what God has said about some of the critical issues of life which directly affect each one of us today. Send an email to CD@godisforus.com or give us a call (732-477-7624) to obtain your free copy today.

Helpful Resources

To access some very helpful free Christian resources on our resource page click here. On the resource page you will find a list of recommended books and links to informative internet sites and Christian ministries. There is also a link to an excellent Christian addiction recovery center for those dealing with drug and alcohol issues. You can also link to the resource page by copying the following URL into your web browser: http://godisforus.com/information/resources/resources.htm